Organic Digital Leads LLC
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Organic Digital Leads LLC
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Organic Digital Leads LLC
Disclaimer and Terms of Service
DISCLAIMER: This site is a website representing the internet marketing services agency of Organic Digital Leads LLC. We supply our internet marketing services to businesses in Council Bluffs Iowa and the surrounding area in southwest Iowa.
At Organic Digital Leads LLC we are a internet marketing company that works with local service businesses to get more business leads, promote their business in their local niche, and to protect their business reputation through ethical digital marketing practices.
When entering into a contract between you and Organic Digital Leads LLC, it is expected that both parties will act ethically and honestly with one another, abiding by the terms of the contract and providing payment to Organic Digital Leads LLC in a timely manner as per the contract terms.
If either party believes a breach of contract has occurred, they will abide by the Terms and Conditions section of the contract for instructions on recourse to refund fees, prorate fees, or to terminate the contract
Proudly Serving Council Bluffs Iowa, Glenwood Iowa, Underwood Iowa, Treynor Iowa, Crescent Iowa, Carter Lake Iowa, Malvern Iowa, Mineola Iowa, Missouri Valley Iowa, Woodbine Iowa, Oakland Iowa, Logan Iowa, Omaha Nebraska, Bellevue Nebraska, Papillion Nebraska, La Vista Nebraska, Pottawattamie County Iowa, Harrison County Iowa, Mills County Iowa, Douglas County Nebraska, Sarpy County Nebraska, Cass County Nebraska, Washington County Nebraska